Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ahem Ahem

I am back bitches. I will officially be the first one to start the flog back in the New Year. Cecil is in an exam so I sure he won't start back until later tonight. He will probably be exhausted from writing, and I am sure he will spend half the night indulging in some pleasure/celebration food. And well, we didn't warn Nwenna we were starting back, so she is at a disadvantage. The holidays were filled with tons of sinful pleasure. The trip back home was a total disaster, from eating at all my favorite fast food joints to eating dessert multiple times in a day. A little monitoring will be very much necessary in the New Year so that I won't be shopping in the Husky section of JCPenny's. With that being said, let's get into it.

This morning I had a cinnamon raisin bagel for breakfast. Somehow I need to find someone something fulfilling and tasty to eat in the morning. The bagel isn't going to cut it. I’m sure eating a bagel has to be equivalent to eating an entire box of cereal. Lunch wasn’t much better; it however was at least in a reasonable portion. I have a great Brazilian spot on the way home from my gym that I probably stop at too frequently. I had some chicken wrapped in bacon and a little pork leftover. Yeh, it even sounds bad after I typed it out. Also, someone needs to come get these sea salt and cracked pepper chips out of my desk drawer.

That was relatively painless; dinner will be too be continued….


Nwenna (In-Way-Na) said...

Is your profile pic a pic of you eating at Bojangles!!! LMAO

pitlifeus said...

Ha yes it is. I love that place. I figured the picture was appropriate.