Friday, July 13, 2007


For lunch I walked across the street to find something from Shaw's deli. They have a tempting assortment of all kinds of fried chicken in there which ranges from fried chicken fingers, popcorn chicken, chicken wings, and simple fried chicken. However tasty it may be, I chose to go with one of their premade turkey and cheese subs. The deli line began to grow long so I didn't wait to try the Waldorf salad in the glass case that I have been eyeing for about a month. Contrary to popular belief, the guys who run the Shaw's deli aren't too bright and it would have taken my whole lunch period for him wait on the 10 people in front of me. On the way to the register, I was figuring out what else I should eat. I bypassed the bananas for the canister of Doritos that were only a dollar. I only ate 11 Doritos though since that was the amount that is in one serving. I flushed my lunch down with a huge Styrofoam cup full of water.


Nwenna (In-Way-Na) said...

Nice choice. I would've went with the fried chicken since it's Fry-day. Have a good weekend.

pitlifeus said...

Haha, that chicken was looking good. My cheat day was Wednesday. LOL Fry-day, im going to have to use that one. You have a good one too.